Manexa Inc – Austin, TX.
I currently produce live webcasts for Manexa on a
national level. A typical event would involve me flying in a day early to check out the event room, the internet bandwidth,
the audio feed and the overall camera and room setup. On shoot day, I run the broadcast and keep the seminar on time and on
schedule. I monitor the camera and audio feed as well as the outgoing broadband and dial up signals, and take incoming questions
from the internet audience and read them in to the program. I archive on tape and hard drive and manually sync the slide show
for the internet audience. I also post pass codes so the audience can get credit for the course.
FESTIVAL VIDEOS, Founder - Austin, TX
Produced convention videos worldwide including:
The Edmonton Street Performing Festival
The Hawaiian Vaudeville Festival
European Juggling Convention
The British Juggling Convention
International Jugglers Association
Produced a series of videos on vaudeville including:
The Flying Karamazov Brothers; History of the world famous juggling troupe
Bindlestiff Family Cirkus ; Story of an alternative New York City circus
Gatto; Documentary of the world's greatest juggler
Esther's Follies; 27 years of comedy with Austin's famous troupe
Produced corporate event videos for Event Marketing Group and i3 Event Marketing.
Produced student-led video yearbook for St. Stephen's High School (Austin, TX)
MEDIA WEST, Producer; Mountain View, CA
Produced concept-to-completion videos and multi-media slide shows for corporate hi-tech clients including GeoVision Systems,
Boole & Babbage, Samsung, Fujitsu & IntelliCorp.
DE ANZA COLLEGE, Producer; Cupertino, CA
Produced and directed live broadcasts of football games and Cupertino SportsBeat, a sports magazine show on public access
Managed audio-visual department; procured films and videos for library and teachers. Arranged playback schedule. Taught
class on video production and produced a news magazine show with students.
UNIVERSITY OF HARTFORD, Student Producer; Hartford, CT
Produced game films for athletic department and archived the collection.
University of Hartford; B.S. in Marketing, with a minor in Video & Photography (1974)